Complete My DS-160

Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) Information

Each applicant including children must have his or her own DS 160 application, submitted online in advance of the interview. You must also provide the DS-160 confirmation barcode number in order to book an appointment at the Embassy. The form must/must be submitted online; the Embassy will not accept applications that have been handwritten or typed and you will not be permitted to attend your interview without a printed DS-160 confirmation page.

DS-160 Internet Guide

DS-160 Form

DS-160 FAQ

Note: When you sign your DS 160 electronically, you are certifying that all the information contained in it is true and correct. Misrepresenting any facts could render you ineligible to receive a visa or enter the United States. Please double-check that all your answers are accurate and that every question is answered completely.

Guidelines to completing your form DS-160

After reviewing the Nonimmigrant Visa Application Process, all visa applicants must submit a form DS-160 online application prior to making an appointment.

  • All questions must be answered in English using English characters only except when you are asked to provide your full name in your native alphabet.
  • All applicants are required to upload a photograph as a part of the DS-160 process. Detailed photograph requirements are on the U.S. Department of State website at
  • Applicants can recover a partially completed DS-160 if their session is interrupted either to gather more information or because of a technical/connection error
  • The completed DS-160 application form will generate an alpha-numeric barcode confirmation page. Print this page using a laser printer or high quality ink-jet. Dot-matrix and low quality inkjet printers do not provide sufficient resolution to print a usable barcode.
  • Once you have printed the barcode confirmation page, hit the “Back” button and email yourself a backup copy. The emailed file will be in PDF format, and thus requires Adobe Acrobat to view or print.