Security Regulations

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You are not allowed to enter the U.S. Embassy while carrying any of the following items:

  • Battery-operated or electronic devices such as mobile phones, digital diaries, digital watches, pagers, cameras, audio/video cassettes, compact discs, MP3s, floppy disks, laptops, or portable music players
  • Large shoulder bags/purses - only bags that can be carried by hand will be permitted
  • Bags such as travel bags, backpacks, briefcases, suitcases, leather, cloth bags, and zip folders - you can only carry plastic folders containing application-related papers
  • Food and liquid items
  • Sealed envelopes or packages
  • Cigarettes, cigars, match boxes, lighters
  • Sharp objects such as scissors, pen knives or nail files
  • Weapons or explosive materials of any kind

This list is not exhaustive. Other items may be prohibited at the discretion of security staff.

The embassy has space to store one mobile phone. You must make arrangements to store any other items before entering.

Due to security considerations, there is no information window for walk-in visitors at the U.S. Embassy. Only visa applicants with scheduled interviews will be admitted.